Welcome to Würdsmith Creative’s new website!  I’m very excited to have this new platform to share all of the great work that Würdsmith Creative and our creative partners have been able to produce over the past few years.  My thanks to Jud Ashman and his team at Web Mobile Image for bringing the new website to life.

Here at WürdsmithCreative.com, you’ll find samples of our recent projects, as well as some legacy campaigns from my time on staff at networks like TLC, HGTV and elsewhere.  I founded Würdsmith Creative in January of 2014, and like any start-up, we’ve begun small.  But that gives Würdsmith the flexibility to create the perfect team for each project, or even plug-in directly with your internal team.  Over my 20 or so years in the business, I’ve built relationships with some of the best and most talented creatives in the business.  And while I personally played a significant role in each of these executions here this website, they would not have reached their full potential without each and every one of the talented creatives with whom I collaborated on these projects.

That’s the great thing about going independent: being able to work so many talented people, who can help build on really good ideas and make them extraordinary.  We’ve been able to work on a wide variety of brands over the past few years.  We’ve had the chance to partner directly with network clients like Discovery, Travel Channel, Destination America, and Science, but also serve as a sub-contractor for production companies like 2C, A\V Squad, State Line Films and more, opening up the opportunity to work on brands like FXX, Nick, Nat Geo Wild, Telemundo and the Turner Networks.  Together, we’ve done launch campaigns, episodic promos, ad sales sizzle reels, upfront pitches and more.

Thank for you checking out our work.  I hope you like what you see, and we welcome the opportunity to have Würdsmith Creative help tell your story.

All the Best,

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